Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh, I could write a sonnet about your easter bonnet

Surely you recognize the lyrics to the great Irvine Berlin song (ok, none of his songs were not great) written for the Judy Garland movie Easter Parade. Fred Astair, too, what more could you ask for?

So I'm getting in the mood for Peter Cotton-tail's arrival (before going out to mow the lawn and go running) and I colored some Easter eggs using a home-made dye of vinegar, water and food coloring. I like the vibrant colors, not the "pretty pastels" and since Melody is in AZ I get to do as I like. (Just don't tell her) You see the results below.

Another cool thing I don't often get an opportunity to do is teach a Sunday School lesson to my students at school. The other day several of them asked why we were getting Friday off so I took a few minutes and explained Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, the crucifixion, the resurrection and whatnot to them. I didn't take too much time, but they know more about it now (especially the Sikhs, the Jewish boy, and the infidels [did I just say infidels? No offense intended, I just mean those who never heard the story before]) than they did before. Without Easter there would be no Christmas.


Unknown said...

Excuse me, Mr. Stake Pres, but are you sure you have your comments straight? Didn't the birth come before the death? Without Christmas there would be no Easter, or am I missing something?

Mrs. Miller said...

That previous comment did not come from Jared. That's what happens when you have kids. They log in to your computer and you don't check to see who's logged in and you make comments in their name. That comment came from me. Just don't want my son to get into trouble for my actions (this time).

P&M Inc. said...

No, you are the one who has missed the point. Without Christ's resurrection and atonement - there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas as the birth of our Savior. He would have been merely a good man with a good message. Hence, without Easter, there would be no Christmas. It was Pres. Packer who said it first.