Monday, December 26, 2011

Shadows of Christmas Past (not long past)

Our Christmas Day started in the Butchart's living room with the beautifully lighted tree (and the gate around it to keep the twins out). The snow flakes on the windows were actually made years ago by Trevor's sister, then preserved in contact paper for future enjoyment.

This was the one and only attempt at a family photo. It lasted about 3 seconds.

Jane and Elizabeth playing with the makings of their shopping carts (which had
"some assembly required") and getting into the spirit of playing with their gifts.

Atticus' FAVORITE present was the garbage truck (he's in to all things trash) and playing with his Pez dispenser.

Jane and Lizzie playing with stuffed toys. Eliza has Elmo, who sings and talks louder depending on how hard you squeeze his tummy (talk about irritating), and a baby that says "I love you" when you put it's hand to it's mouth (slightly less irritating than Elmo).

Mom getting excited about her gift from Michelle - hand knitted Norwegian style mittens.

This was the clear winner of all presents. The cardboard castle! Rick Butchart and I put it together in about 30 sec. It's white so that the kids can color on it (which they have taken great joy in doing). Two windows, two doors, and four turrets (does that qualify for a syndrome?)


This is my favorite photo from Christmas morning. Lizzie found a candy cane (this is actually a special "War Heads" extra-sour flavored candy cane. She just couldn't get enough of it and kept wiggling it up and down to show her joy. Ah, the simple pleasures!

And finally, all my attempts to get a good picture of the twins (who were so cute in their Christmas dresses) were mostly futile. Here are the best of several really bad ones: Jane and Elizabeth.


David Peter said...

Those are all great pictures Dad. I'm a little troubled that Atticus already has his mind in the gutter though...

Vecchiocane said...

If I could blog like you do, I'd be working for myself instead of driving to South Jordan everyday.