Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday Feb. 4th

Yesterday morning I helped the priests and teachers in our ward understand orienteering (compass use and map reading), along with GPS navigation and geocaching. I did this in the river bottoms at Shanghi Bend. The day was so beautiful that I returned at about 2pm and ran 4 miles along the lower levee road (the one that runs at the foot of the levee between it and the river). I haven't run that far at one time in months! It felt great. Below is where we went geocaching, and where I started my run.

Later in the evening I watched a movie and finished the puzzle from Hades. It was a gift from the Butcharts for Christmas (so I guess I can blame Michelle for telling them I like putting together puzzles), and it was by far the most difficult puzzle I've ever completed. But now I want to do another, easier, one.

It's a beautiful scene cut - into 1000 pieces. But unlike common jigsaws, there are not well ordered rows of similar-cut pieces. Rather, there were extremely odd shaped pieces , sometimes weaving themselves into circles or waves. Many places in the picture had very similar colors so it was hard to distinguish which part of the picture they belonged to. There were also many pieces that looked like edge pieces, but were not. They just had one side that was flat because that's the way they were made. I almost gave up several times when I first started. But here it is at last. I may have it laminated - or I may just take it out in the back yard and burn it.

1 comment:

Michelle & Trevor said...

Congratulations, Dad. You are now one step closer to being one of those old retired guys who hang out at the blood bank all day eating cheese and doing puzzles.