Monday, July 23, 2012

Bodega Bay!

Everybody remembers "the showers are free today" (okay, not Chris, he was on his mission), and I stayed in the very same campsite this year as we did that year. I love this old oilcloth tent that we bought while we were in college. I found it at DI and paid $5 for it. I had to spend another $1.40 for a 2x4 to make the center pole and cross beams to hold it up, and Uncle Byron put a couple of patches in the corners - and we had a tent. I especially like using it at the coast because it's so warm and easy to set up.

Even cooler was this little trailer I saw. It almost looks homemade. But probably is just from the 1950's. I'd like to make something like this. That would be fun.

This first day there was beautiful and I was in the surf for a couple of hours before giving in to the "nap" urge. There was plenty of sun for the most part, with a bit of cloudiness in the mid-afternoon. I walked north on the beach as far as it went. The rest of the evening I sat around camp and relaxed. Oh, and took a free shower.

The next morning (most of the day) was more overcast, but with some beautiful scenery with low clouds hovering in the vales until late morning.

I got up early and walked all the way south on the beach as far as it went. Along the way I picked up these do-dads.

The living and the dead always populate a beach in the early morning hours. The seal is gone (there were vultures on it, I've never seen vultures on the beach before), and the big guy on the right was in danger of going that way until I came along. I flipped him upright and he scurried off into the ocean.

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