Saturday, April 4, 2009

And so it begins. . .

Here we are, watching General Conference on the laptop in San Francisco Airport, and updating our blog. We are deeply grateful to our wonderful children who made this trip possible for us for our 30th Anniversary (which was actually last year - it just takes us a little while to get around to things.

Entering the airport at Sacramento;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Dad sitting by the coffe and beer dispensers

The end of the first leg of the journey;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Mom eating ice cream

Here's the first installment of photos from out trip. The one on the left is Mom disembarking from the little "puddle-jumper" airplane from Sacramento to SFO. Mom thought it was like sitting in one of those vibrator chairs - and she didn't much care for the "creaking" sounds it made throughout the flight. The photo on the right is her eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. I think if she were to die with the promise of coming back in another form - she would come back as mint chocolate chip ice cream.

As for future updates, it really depends on the availability of free internet access. (we aren't likely to want to pay for it) I hear that all the McDonald's there have it - but who knows. Check the site daily!


Julie said...

Oh I feel the same way about mint chocolate chip ice cream!!! I hope you have a great trip! say HI to the Queen for me!! love ya!

Vecchiocane said...

You are on your way. Do not count on free internet, unless you are staying somewhere expensive enough to cover it in the other fees. I hope you 're staying some place nicer than that and you can post when you get back.
Be Safe. Have Fun.