Sunday, March 14, 2010

Men's Brains - Women's Brains

This video is hilarious. Partly because the guy is funny -but mostly because it's true. It's a long one, but worth the time. Even Melody laughed when she watched it.


Michelle & Trevor said...

I liked the last 3 minutes of this, where he talked about stress. Reminded me of the night after we found out we were having twins. Trevor was just sitting in front of the TV, but about every 3 minutes he would take a really deep breath, like he was unconsciously trying to relax all of his muscles at once, and he just couldn't do it. But my favorite part was watching all of the couples lean over and say something to their spouse.

Julie said...

Wow thanks Peter! 28 yrs summed up in a 10 min video! I feel better now!