Saturday, September 18, 2010

Update upon Update

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Mom is still not doing too well, though the medications from the doctor are starting to provide some relief. She hopes to be able to be strong enough to return to work Monday the 20th. Which brings up another issue: The school district expanded Mel's part time Health Aid job at Butte Vista K-8 School from 3 hours to 6. She's not too excited about working twice the number of hours, but the school wanted her for the job (of course they interviewed others, but chose her). Anyway, the longer days start next week. We hope for the best.

For my part, I have over 100 students at one school and nearly 70 at the other. Combined, they are really some very good musicians. Of the 170 or so total, roughly 70 of them are first time students (hoo boy, beginners). I'm having fun - but it sure has been hectic getting things going this year.

To make things even more interesting, the little bit of musical instrument repair work I've been doing the past couple of years to help out local music teachers has started to boom. Now teachers from other districts are bringing stuff to me, as well as string instrument teachers bringing in violins, bows to re-hair, etc.

I really hadn't wanted anywhere near this much work. But how does one extricate himself from something like this?

Thank goodness for a day off today. I'm going to go ride my bike. . .


R. L. Hall said...

Glad to hear things are working out for you & Melody, especially that she is feeling better. Hang in there - did you ever see Megan's piccalo?

mr.math said...

It's good to hear you're keeping busy and I hope Mel feels better soon. It must be tough being an unhealthy Health Aid. Megan's piccalo? How about Gabriel's oboe?