Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What I've Been Up To

This year's 4th Level Girls Hike was to the top of Castle Peak (9,100'). Castle Peak is just north of Boreal Ski Resort. It was a beautiful day, and a fairly difficult hike for the girls. In fact, only 3 actually made it to the very top. Rich and Peter and I went up with them. Here are a few scenes from the trip.

The view from a distance

Getting closer. We took the trail through the green just to the right of the ridge.

On the way up there was a cool pinnacle that needed holding up

Near the top. We ended up above the rocks.

The view from the top looking north, and the view looking south (Boreal in the distance).

As always, we ate really, really well while camping. Rich brought mini
cinnamon muffins and I brought bacon. Do you see where this is going?
(By the way, that's not what it looks like in Uncle Richie's mug, it's dark chocolate cocoa.)

Yes, that's a bacon-cinnamon muffin sandwich. Almost as good as a bacon crusted maple bar. Yum!

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