Monday, July 28, 2008

The Shah of Yuba

You didn't know your Dad was a high ranking Arab and married to a Israeli princess? Well the truth is finally out. Actually, Kim bought these dressings for Mom and I when she was in Israel. (So they're the real thing) I figure I look real enough that if I were to have it on next time I went to the airport I would never have to fly on an American airline again. [just call me Yasser Ara-Hall]

We had a great visit with Kim at Aspen Grove. Like the rest of our kids, she really has her stuff together. I wish she would let me have some of her photos from the trip. You'd be impressed.

1 comment:

Vecchiocane said...

I have a Jordanian and a Palestinian keffiyeh. We ought to wear them somewhere together some time. Maybe I could wear that and my McAllister kilt at the same time to support "diversity".