Saturday, February 25, 2012

Out with the Old - In with the New

After getting smacked in the rear-end by a hit-and-run driver a couple of weeks ago, we recognized it was time to step up our search for something to replace the old Jeep. I really loved that old thing. And in spite of the cracked windshield, loose seats, broken heater motor, leaky spare tire, terribly peeled paint, and odds & ends of other cosmetic blemishes - it served me well for at least 10 years, especially during those times when I was traveling all over the north state for my Church assignment. It was a car I was comfortable in, and felt like I could do anything with (including driving across 40' wide creeks up to the gunnels deep in flowing water and climbing up major 4 wheel drive trails in search of a better route for my 50 mile hike).


But those days are gone, and this past week we bought the Jeep pictured above. In spite of spending more that I had planned on when I started my search a year ago, I feel like we got a good price for a vehicle with less than 39,000 miles and is just 3 years old.

That's not to say it was easy. Buying this kind of car is completely out of character for us. I know I spent a restless night thinking about it. I'm sure Mom did too. But I feet right about it, however difficult or out of my comfort zone it was to do.

My plan all along has been to get something we could rely on to get us anywhere our family is, in any kind of weather, at a moment's notice. And to have something that would last at least 20-25 years - well past my retirement date. I also need something that will pull my trailer and be able to haul a fair amount of gear inside and on top. This car fills all those needs. We didn't go into debt to purchase it either. that was another requirement.

In Other News

The weather here has been incredible for the past several days. Most of this past week was so warm the fruit trees are all budding out (very pretty, but not good news for the farmers). A couple of days ago I rode my bike down the levee to Boyd Pump boat ramp (a little over 5 miles away) wearing shorts and a thin exercise shirt. Just 2 weeks ago I was bundled up in my warm workout pants, heavy shirt, and lined jacket to make the trip. The picture below gives a view of the green all around on the west side of the levee at the boat ramp.

But we're not done with winter yet. This coming week will bring more cold (well, cold for NorCAl) with temps in the mid to low 50's. It would be good to get some more rain and snow in the mountains to supplement what little we've had so far, but I suppose the farmers will just be happy if it doesn't freeze. That would cause all the buds to drop and effectively destroy the entire fruit crop for this year. This is life in an agricultural region.

I always think of the joke about the farmer who won $2 million in the lottery. When they asked him what he was going to do with the money, he replied: "I guess I'll just keep farming until it's all gone."


David Peter said...

The Jeep looks great! I'm excited that you have a car that can get you "anywhere our family is, in any kind of weather, at a moment's notice" because it sounds like I'll get to see you in Utah more often.

Michelle & Trevor said...

Nice choice!! Trevor is impressed. I'm glad you got a car that will be able to ford all the rivers you have to cross to get to us ;)

R. L. Hall said...

Great looking Jeep! Hey, am I family?? If you come see us, take care going through Mexico, and watch out for all those potholes coming in from Santa Ana. ;D

Chris Hall said...

All I can say is wow.