Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just think about this. . .

So, Mom and I are visiting Deseret Book in Sacramento while we wait for David, and as we're leaving the parking lot we see a truck with "Bill's Hydraulic Jack Service" painted on the side. That started me thinking: what if a guy named John owned a business that distributed invoices for payments to all of the irrigation districts and large water users throughout the valley. Wouldn't he have a sign that read "Jack's Hydraulic Bill Service" painted on the side of his truck?

Your mother accused me of not having enough to occupy my mind, which is certainly true. But the real shame is that these kinds of things occur to me ALL of the time - even when my mind IS otherwise occupied. I have just learned not to voice them in her presence.


Lorna said...

This comment is 100% YOU!!!! And if you don't have enough to occupy your mind, you will in about 5 days!!!! See you soon!

Michelle & Trevor said...

No, I think if a man named JOHN owned a business that distributed invoices for payments to all of the irrigation districts and large water users throughout the valley, he would have a sign that read "JOHN's Hydraulic Bill Service."