Sunday, September 11, 2011

Project #361

A few years ago I attended a Preparedness Fair at the Camptonville Branch (which used to be in our stake). It was about the same as most of these kind of affairs, but there was a guy there who had made a solar cooker out of a used medium sized satellite dish (just larger than the one you see below) and covered it with 1"mirror tiles he had bought from craft stores throughout the Sacramento area. He has to go to every craft store in town to get enough (and it ended up costing him over $100), but the thing worked quite well. I watched him fry up some sausages while I stood there as quickly as on a regular stove top.

I couldn't get the thought of this "fire-less campfire" out of my mind, and when our stake clerk offered to give me an used small dish, I took it and started my project. You know how cheap I am, so I used some old 1' mirror tiles which I cut down into 1" squares. After gluing them on to the dish, I bought some 3/4" PVC pipe and connectors to make what you see below.

I haven't actually cooked anything on it yet, but a friend of mine stuck his hand out over it (near the focal point) and then pulled it back very quickly, saying "oh, that works!"


Michelle & Trevor said...

That's a great idea! Too bad we live somewhere where it would only work for a few weeks in August.

Rebecca said...

I'll have to show Jeff - He's tried a couple different versions - he'll like this one.