Sunday, October 7, 2012

Conference Weekend

We really enjoyed General Conference this weekend. Though I didn't get "conference pastry" (Mom only makes it for you guys), I planned ahead this time and had some donuts for a backup.

But seriously, I was thrilled to hear about the change in the minimum ages for missionaries, and I felt the speakers were moved by the Spirit in very powerful ways. Elders Cook, Christofferson, Holland, Oakes, and President Packer all had stunning remarks.

For those who weren't at Priesthood meeting, I recommend downloading those talks and listening to them. You won't be sorry.

Of course, President Monson did wonderfully also, and I got to thinking that my children may not know, and have never seen the little bit of personal connection we have to that great man and his kindness. See the letter below. (Grandma, my Mom, has the original)

The back-story on this is that my Dad was on the stake High Council with responsibilities over Family History work (formerly the Geneology program). The stake had just built a Geneological Library (which is still there on the Gridley stake center grounds), and Thomas S. Monson, as the General Authority over that program, had come out to inspect it. I was 6 years old at the time, and he stayed in our home over on Second Street. My Mom always says how embarrassed she was that all they could offer him to sleep on was a "roll-a-way" bed (the kind that folds up in the middle and has wheels so that you can store it in a closet). Of course, Pres. Monson is well over 6' tall, and the bed was well under 6' long. But as you might imagine, and can see in the letter - he never complained.

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