Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blast from the Past

Pam and the rest of you with school-aged children are not the only ones who have cute notes written by your offspring that you will always cherish. A phone call from David a little while ago made me remember one of the proudest moments of my life, revolving around our oldest son, Chris. When he was 12 our ward Scouts made and sold strawberry pies to earn money for camp. The day the sale started, during sacrament meeting (okay, not real proud of that, but not too upset either), Chris whipped out this hand drawn flier, then had copies made to distribute. I'm still impressed.

Note the not-so-subtle attempt to have you buy the pie from Chris, and the ant (some quasi-reference to a picnic I believe) which is in every scene, but is only fat after having eaten the pie.

And he went on to be the director of marketing at BYU-I Radio. . .


Chris Hall said...

Thanks for sharing this! The highlights for me?

1) That he drew holes/rings on the side
2) The chefy insects
3) The FREE $10 pie.

You had to know from this that he was destined for greatness!

Pam said...

This made my Monday morning awesome. My favorite part is the ant holding the fork.