Things are still very busy here with the start of school and the whole Proposition 8 (Protect Marriage) effort going on. It 's amazing how much time I spend on that issue. It reminds me of some of the battles we read about in Alma and Heleman, but more on that later.
I know I haven't posted much lately. But Kim is coming to town and we'll get lots of good photos and fun things to post. Of course, then I'll need time to do it. . .
It's disappointing to learn of fellow Americans who would stoop to peddling lies to support their position. Google "Six Consequences if Proposition 8 Fails" ... these are six totally false talking points that the "Yes on 8" campaign is trying to use to fire up their target voters. Anyone who bothers to study the issue will quickly learn that these six "consequences" are total fabrications and sad examples of ugly fearmongering from the "Yes on 8" campaign. Shame.
See what I meant about strangers posting on blogs just to be angry?? This guys profile even says he's located in TAIWAN.
By the way, that last comment was from Michelle, I'm not sure why our display name changed to "welcome"
Yeah, it's interesting to know what some people are thinking. In fact, news outlets report that most of those six point are already happening in countries where genderless marriage is legal.
Now, maybe our friend in Taiwan meant to say that the news media fabricates things about this issue. I might believe that. But there's certainly no fabrication from the supporters of Prop. 8.
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