Monday, May 11, 2009

The Last of the AZ Trip Photos

Okay, here are the last photos we'll post from our trip to AZ. These are pretty good, but what I'll do for posts after this - well, I have no idea. We just don't seem to live that exciting of a life.

On the left is the track I laid out for Grant to play with, which he gladly did. On the right is a video of Lucy making the most of a car at the park. She really makes it go for a little girl.



Michelle & Trevor said...

I'm wondering why Grant's name is on his shirt. Is it for Pam's benefit? Because that's not a bad idea. I seem remember being called "Pam-Kim-Dav-SHELLY." on a regular basis.

Lorna said...

Very cute. If you are at a posting loss you can certainly come visit us and gather material!

Julie said...

those are some really cute grand kids! and im sure that michelle and trevor's will be no exception! tell my sister to let me know when she will be coming so I can go and play with her!! love ya
p.s I cant wait to hear about england!

Pam said...

Grant's name is on his shirt because he wouldn't wear the plain white tee shirt we got him for PJ's so I wrote his name on one and viola! it is now one of his fav's.
Dad thanks for posting these pictures, I needed a reminder of how cute they are after Lucy was barfing all day and Grant was whining all day!