Monday, May 25, 2009

Biking to the Buttes

Several months ago my cool little Action Cam went kaput. I sent it back to the company and they sent me a new one. Today I got it out to do some filming. So here's some shots of our bike ride out to Sutter from our Hillcrest home. You'll see us coming up to and turning onto El Margarita, then out along the bike path (formerly the railroad spur from Tierra Buena to Sutter), and finally turning onto Humphrey Rd. We had loads of fun!

Oh, the camera is mounted to the top of my bike helmet.


Andrea said...

What a fun bike ride. Thanks for the video.

mr.math said...

This reminds me of riding out to Sutter with Brent Heisch when we were kids. I really like all the "California Stops". Looks fun!

Vecchiocane said...

Wish I were there. Looks like it was a beautiful day for a ride. Nice bike path there on the old rail bed, you can always count on those being level anyhow.

R. L. Hall said...

Actually Mike, you may have forgotten, but you can pretty much always count on everything in and around YC being level. In fact, when Peter O. first got home from his mission all he could say was "wow, it is so flat here".
The bike ride was indeed a lot of fun, and the highlight of the day. It was not hot, and the ride was just about right - I think Peter said about 11.5 miles out, and an equal number back. After returning I pretty much frittered away the rest of the day reading a book borrowed from Peter (which he had borrowed from mom): Sergeant Nibley, PhD. I really enjoyed it, and recommend it.