Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weather or not . . .

There isn't much going on here that's worth reporting. All the action is up in Idaho with Trevor and Michelle. Mom is leaving Saturday to go help out. She will have a blast, and Michelle will be happy to have her there.

I have lots going on this time of year, as is usual, so that's nothing new. There weather was nice for a while - but now it's turned cold again. It never gets over 83 and I even have to wear a coat to work in the morning. For those who are thinking: "What's he talking about? The 80's is warm!" Just remember that usually we are swimming by the first of May with temps in the 90's. And the year we moved into this house we were swimming and eating popsicles on the first of April! Surely he colder temps are due to all this global warming I hear about.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I wish it would get that cold here.