Friday, November 12, 2010

That's a Crock (-er Art Museum)

So Mom and I spent some of our off day throwing money at the beneficiaries of one of the Big Four (railroad barons Stanford, Huntington. Hopkins, and Crocker). I've always loved going to this pace - mostly beacuse of the beautiful wood throughout the grand old home that housed the gallery. It's interesting parket floor, huge mirrors, and marvelous ballroom (with a balcony) are just fun to be it. Nowadays the art museum is vastly expanded and most of the art is not displayed in the house. (Too bad)

Below are a couple of examples of contemporary exhibits that caught my eye. The first is "Moon Pie." The lower one is a genre I always gravitate to. Huge heads carved out of stone - looking at you. There's just something appealing about that to me.

Get it?

Afterward we walked over to Old Sac and shared a Capital City waffle cone with hot fudge, whipped cream an a cherry on top. Don't worry, it didn't spoil our appetites as we went from there to IKEA and ate an รคkte (real) Swedish meal of meatballs, mash potatoes and lingon berry jam. Then we waddled around the store looking and buying, buying and looking.

I bought some odds and ends of Swedish food to share with Elder Per Malm (newly sustained to the 1st Quorum of Seventy, and someone I knew well when I served in Sweden). He will be here Monday on a mission tour and I'll have the chance to eat lunch with him.

Highdee-Ho neigbors

1 comment:

Michelle & Trevor said...

Huge heads carved out of stone?... Looking at you? Can you see the look that I am giving you right now?