Friday, April 6, 2012

Giants v. the Snakes

This morning (our first day of Easter Vacation from school), Mel & I started what will be this year's major project - giving the backyard a complete makeover. We moved all of the "firewood" (the stuff we use when we roast hot dogs and marshmellows over an open fire on the patio) out behind the back fence. Later, I moved everything off the patio in preparation for taking it out. Melody will move her rose bushes next, and I will weed-whack, the spray, and after it all dies, I'll rip it up and level it.

And, apparently in honor of the SF Giants opening-day game against the AZ Diamondbacks, we found a very lethargic (it was a cold morning) garter snake napping in our wood pile. Here you see his head tucked down, but when I picked him up, he managed to slowly turn around and look at me. I don't actually know if it was male or female, but it was about 2.5' - 3' long, and maybe a couple of inches in diameter, so it must have been eating well. Which makes me happy that I left it near our back fence - he should help keep the vermin population down.


Julie said...

I 2nd that motion! kill it!!!!!

R. L. Hall said...

My my what cold blooded killers read your blog. (get it? snake . . cold blooded?) Anyway, I thought that was pretty neat that you get a snake to live in your woodpile, and too bad I don't get to be there to help till up your dirt. Have fun.