Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Melody!

Mel had a good birthday - celebrated a day late because we were both so busy we couldn't get around to it on Friday. We went out to Applebee's for dinner (thanks to a thoughtful gift). She received calls from all of the kids, and lots of Facebook  greetings from lots of friends and relatives.

I always like getting her funny cards, but I was outdone this year  by others. Below are some of the best ones:

My personal favorite, on the inside it says: Just What You Needed, Another Cheesy Birthday Card

And on the inside of this one: The Person Your Age Sees It As Bed Time

This one is just funny. I'm not sure why.

1 comment:

R. L. Hall said...

I liked the cheesy one best also, and thought the other one was 9:00. Shows where I am at in life, cheese and sleep, what more could one ask for? Oh yes, bread for the cheese.