Monday, September 22, 2008

Camping at Zion

Wish I had some photos to share, because MAN we had a good time last Friday. But before I get to that - Mom and I went to the temple Tuesday and had a good trip. On Wed. I participated in a conference call with Elder Clayton where he described our future efforts with the coalition to protect marriage. It's exciting work. Thursday evening was meetings.

But Friday! Mom and I took grandma and left about 4:00 for Zion's Camp. We got there and set up, built a fire, cooked foil packs (which I had made the day before) and pigged out. The weather was beautiful and NO MOSQUITOES.

It was actually a ward camp out, so later on everybody gathered around our fire (nobody else wanted to build one) and played games then sang songs. There was a good turn out of about 35-40 people. It was late when we finally got to bed. Which didn't really matter because at 11:00 pm the gun fire started. Some whacko neighbors of the camp were shooting high powered semi-automatic guns until midnight. : (

Anyway, we did get a good night's sleep, got up the next morning and packed up. By the time we were done with that the cooks had breakfast ready. Pancakes, sausages, hot chocolate, juice - and piles and piles of scrambled eggs! Yes, I ate my fill.

Later that night we picked up Chris from Sacramento (he's in NorCal doing a conference). We have him here till Tuesday. Fun, fun, fun.

See ya in the funny papers!

1 comment:

Michelle & Trevor said...

NO MOSQUITOS at Zions Camp? It really must be the last days.