Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rode My Mountain bike to the Levee but the Levee was Dry

I finally had time to finish this montage of video clips from a ride along the levee I made last summer. I used my action cam fixed on my helmet (you'll see it in my shadow part-way through the video) and since the ambient sound is less that tolerable, I added an audio clip from a popular movie, which I sure you'll all recognize. (name that tune Michelle)

It begins with my ride down Teesdale past Rich and Joanne's house (on the left), continues around the corner onto Railroad, shots of the ride down that street, and eventually turning onto Garden Hwy just north of the road over to Boyd Pump boat ramp 5 miles south of town. You'll watch as I peddle up the levee access road, then south along the levee to Starr Bend 8 mi. south of our house. There's a little footage of the trip back with a brief shot of the buttes in the distance, then back down of the levee, ashot of East Owald, and the return to Creswell Dr. and our home.


Michelle & Trevor said...

Haha, Chariots of Fire Opening Theme! It's inspiring music, but I'm not sure a bike trip to the levee is the proper setting :)

P&M Inc. said...

I picked it because they had just burned the levees for fire control. . . and because, well, I'm kind if like the guy in the movie (not!)

Michelle & Trevor said...

I've never actually seen the movie. In fact, the only thing I know about it is that it's about a Jewish guy and a Christian guy in a foot race.