Monday, June 1, 2009

She's Baacckkk!

Melody had a great trip to Idaho. She thinks Atticus is the best! And Trevor is a wonderful father, but then we already knew that. Michelle is doing well and loving being a Mommy.

While she was there I stayed at home (well, I stayed in Yuba City, I didn't actually get to be home much) and went to work, kept the yard in shape, and tried not to damage the stake too much. This past week I spoke at a missionary zone conference, a stake leadership meeting, a stake R.S. Enrichment activity, and seminary graduation within the space of four days. But it's like I always say: getting me to speak is not the problem, getting me to stop - that's the problem!

For those who are wondering, this is the last week of school, so things are winding down a bit. I have to do graduation Wednesday, then on Friday night I've been asked to do a presentation at a YSA Leadership Conference in the Sacramento area. June will be busy too.

But in July I'm REALLY looking forward to camping at the coast and kayaking down the river with David and Kim. Yea!

See ya in the funny papers!

1 comment:

David Peter said...

I am looking forward to July too Dad, we are going to have a blast. I heard there were workshops on campus that teach you how to roll in a kayak, if I can find it I am going to take it. Have a great week!