Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now you know what I am for one...

The Swedish language has this interesting idiom for "now you know what kind of person I am" which, literally translated, becomes the string of words you see in the title. I always got a chuckle out if it when I heard one of our investigators or members say it.

So, now you know what kind of month this has been. The last post was four weeks ago, and it's not that things haven't happened (quite to the contrary), but I just haven't been able to get things updated.

Michelle, Trevor and Atticus were here this past weekend. We were so happy to have them, and it was a blast playing with Atticus. Even though Trevor was sick the whole time (thanks to a bug passed on by his son) he was great to have around. Michelle was her usual self - a great foible for my jabs, and a fun person to talk to.

Mom has some photos of Atticus, so maybe we can get them posted soon. Otherwise, who knows when the next update will be. I'll try to repent.

1 comment:

Michelle & Trevor said...

It was great to be there! I can't wait until we get to see you again! I promise I'll be just as much fun to poke and prod then too ;)