Friday, March 21, 2008

Goin' Down the River

The releases from the dams are at a low (trying to save water for the growing season) and the Spring melt hasn't gotten underway yet, so the river is WAY down. These photos (taken with my phone, Mom has the good camera in AZ) show rock outcroppings and water falls 5 feet high where usually there is only a stretch of rough water.

I rode my bike down the riverbottoms trail about 5 mi. south to Boyd's Pump. Spring is the only time you can do this. Winter it's under water or at least partially so and Summer it's too sandy and you can't pedal through it.

It was a beautiful day, not just because tomorrow's a day off, but because it was just a perfect day to ride down in the river bottoms.

These two photos are pretty rough, but if you can imagine it, this is usually completely covered with water. No falls, no rocks showing.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love those pictures of the river bottoms.